λPage is targeted at those haskell developers which also like to work with dynamic GUIs and wish to have something like Smalltalk's Workspace or jPage for Java. Using λPage developers can write haskell expressions, evaluate and test them, load, unload and (of course) reload modules and then, re-evaluate the same expressions. Developed over wxWidgets, λPage is multi-platform by nature and works in every scenario where ghc and wxWidgets work.

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λPage is hosted on hackage. You can install it from there using cabal and following the instructions from the λPage Wiki

You can also download the binaries for OSX or Windows. Don't forget to install the Haskell Platform before using the application.

DMG for OSX Installer for Windows

You can download this project source files in either zip or tar formats.

download ZIP download TAR

You can also clone the project with Git:

$ git clone git://github.com/elbrujohalcon/hPage

icon dependencies


Before compiling λPage, you'll need to install:

icon resources


λPage is introduced in a thesis document where you can find details about its features, the way it's implemented, instalation instructions and also two complete tutorials to learn how to use it.

You can find installation instructions, FAQ and other information in the λPage Wiki

Please file bugs or feature requests in our Issues Tracker or drop us a line on

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This project is licensed under the BSD License


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